Sunday, December 10, 2006

Bowling adventures

On Saturday we decided on getting our bowl on, but we thought we better be well nurished in order to bring our A game to the alley. We went to this Japanese restuarant, it was a good time! We love how cheap all the meals are here, definitely makes eating out more affordable.

Anne's new friend, "Silver Pepsi Man." In the clubbing districts this is how promoters dress up to encourage people to go to their club. I'm sure this will filter to downtown Toronto soon.

The infamous ball drop of 2006. Col claims he's been going to the gym but this 14 pound ball sure got the best of him on the back swing.

Despite the ball drop, Col managed to find his A game. And that my friends is a strike! The first and only in the two games we played! (Granted, one more than his teammate!)

Anne and our friend Lisa taking some time out to enjoy the sites at the alley. The game was intense, we needed a break.

Ryan, we're bringing this ball home for you. All the balls here tended to have random words on them. David's ball was the "A Bomb" there were also such classics as house ball, the patriot, etc. Koreans don't mess around when it comes to bowling.

As some atheletes have a signature move, Anne doesn't stray far from that trend. This is what some like to refer to as "granny bowling". Anne just calls it "bowling with style - and sore fingers". Lisa was such a fan she had to try it herself - she quickly realized that it may have been Anne's move and not so good for herself.

We may not have one the game, but our intensity sure shines through in this picture. Isn't that what bowling is all about? Being intense...and getting a score of 54?!


At 11:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Duders,

Looks like some sweet times. We miss eating out in Korea (the food is awesome and cheap) and bowling (they just don't bowl in Canada like they do in Korea).

Hope life and teaching are treating you well. Miss ya!

The Skulls

At 2:10 PM , Blogger Jamie and Jennica said...

Hey guys, It's nice to see all your fun pictures. Looks like a good time was had by all. I need to get your e-mail address because I want my grade 5/6 class to have Korean penpals this year (and I was hoping that we could use your students to be my students' penpals). I need 28 students. Anyways, e-mail me and let me know asap

Love the Grahams (Jamie and Jennica)

At 6:53 PM , Blogger gillian said...

Annester! i love the intense bowling... i too still bust the between the legs move, arn't we supposed to give that up when were 9?? haha,

I just wanted to say have a great holiday with your folks in town!!! and have a Holly Jolly Christmas!!

cheers :)


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