Wednesday, February 07, 2007

2007 beginnings in Korea

What could be better than shooting a bb gun inbetween bar stops in Kangnam. The answer: nothing.

What could be better than winning these great prizes for shooting the bb gun in bewteen bar stops in Kangnam. The answer: nothing.

What could be better than some beers at a bar in Kangnam. The answer: nothing.

Mark and Julia enjoying the greatness of the Marche. All you can eat, all you can drink, $25. Coming soon to Canadian shores! (just kidding!! jealous yet?!)

What could be better than running into a random bamboo dragon on the street. The answer: nothing.

Colin was trying to ruin the romantic moment under the claws of the dragon. Actually, his mouth was cold. I was trying to warm it up for him.

Anne + Korea = HIVES!! The oven mits did quite well to inhibit the itching.

Our co-workers out for Chinese food. Theresa showing one of her dolls that she recently finished making!

Only in Korea do you find a giant teddy bear outside of Gucci.

The teddy bear liked Col's style and wanted to give him a high five. Colin obliged.

Oh Louis Vuitton you're high end mechandise and high end facade enthralled us.

The Infamous - Rodeo!! (Street that is.)

What could be better than this blog post? The answer: nothing!!!


At 2:04 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my, you've found the whereabouts of Astro Boy!

Left North America in the 80's but still going strong in Korea!

That's great!


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