Sunday, May 20, 2007

Korea knows how to do sporting events..

Always a crowd in Korea and the same is true for a baseball game. This game in was Seoul vs. Seoul...Doosan Bears vs. LG Twins...both from Seoul. We sat on the Doosan Bears side (they divide up the crowd into sides) and clearly it was a good pick - we trounced the Twins 8-2!! Look at the those thunder sticks go!

Part of the crew at the game. They are enjoying their $3 Hite-uh and sunshine.

The man that makes it all happen. The keg man, literally a man with a keg on his back wondering the stands for thirsty souls. We were thirsty, $3 later, we weren't.

This game had it all, excited fans and riled up players! Nothing became of this bench clearing and then the players bowed to one another before heading back to their dugouts (we kid, we kid.)

Thunder sticks...we love thee. $2 a pop and everyone had them!! I wonder if leaf fans will notice that ours have bear claws and not maple leafs on them when we come back to Canada...

Then it was off to a soccer game (well actaully...we went to the soccer game first...but posted about it second.) Once again, a few people joined us.

Mark, Julia and Colin checking out the dried squid concessions before we went and got our tickets.

FC Seoul!!

Seoul plays at World Cup Stadium which was built for the 2002 World Cup. It's awesome - this game had tons of people there, 55,000, because Seoul played their rivals, Suwon (and sadly lost 1-0.)

Anne and Julia enjoying their $3 hite-uh (note the repetition.) The lack of price gouging leaves us all with a happy feeling inside...or maybe that was the beer.

Mark, we still don't know what you were thinking buying this cold, pre-made, hot-dog....or I guess, cold-dog (haha, we are so witty!)

To rally support for Seoul it was time to bust out the huge Seoul jersey - lucky for the people underneath Seoul didn't score at this time or they would have missed it. Unlucky for them, Seoul never scored...

Action on the field.

And so our love of Korean sporting events grows...always a good and highly affordable day out!