Wednesday, February 07, 2007

2007 beginnings in Korea

What could be better than shooting a bb gun inbetween bar stops in Kangnam. The answer: nothing.

What could be better than winning these great prizes for shooting the bb gun in bewteen bar stops in Kangnam. The answer: nothing.

What could be better than some beers at a bar in Kangnam. The answer: nothing.

Mark and Julia enjoying the greatness of the Marche. All you can eat, all you can drink, $25. Coming soon to Canadian shores! (just kidding!! jealous yet?!)

What could be better than running into a random bamboo dragon on the street. The answer: nothing.

Colin was trying to ruin the romantic moment under the claws of the dragon. Actually, his mouth was cold. I was trying to warm it up for him.

Anne + Korea = HIVES!! The oven mits did quite well to inhibit the itching.

Our co-workers out for Chinese food. Theresa showing one of her dolls that she recently finished making!

Only in Korea do you find a giant teddy bear outside of Gucci.

The teddy bear liked Col's style and wanted to give him a high five. Colin obliged.

Oh Louis Vuitton you're high end mechandise and high end facade enthralled us.

The Infamous - Rodeo!! (Street that is.)

What could be better than this blog post? The answer: nothing!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Our Korean Wedding

That's right...we were invited to a Korean wedding! It was a very close friend of ours - our apartment building security guards niece. We thought we would tag along and experience for ourselves what we have heard to be quite the experience!

The couple doing the walk down the isle which was immediately reversed as the couple was rushed back to the front of the room for more pictures. Korean wedding we think is really just code for "photo op."
The happy family.

We doned our Sunday best and our wishes were granted as we got a family picture of our own!! If you can't tell - this was quite an ackward picture as the general thoughts going through our (and their) minds was "who are these people?"

Our security guard, his wife and son.

Colin, Anne and Security guards wife. She was very nice and has actually claimed us as part of their family. (see photo above.) If you can tell, Colin and I were quite hot at this point. We were rushed from wedding hall to buffet and out the doors all in a matter of 1.25 hours! Now that's efficiency!